In this season of giving, we hope you will include Grand Canyon States Games among your charitable tax-deductible contributions. Demands on non-profit organizations today have never been greater as we struggle through these difficult economic times – both in terms of delivering more services and raising the funds to provide those services.
While the daily headlines have focused on our financial well-being, Grand Canyon State Games promotes our physical well-being. We are the largest amateur sports program in Arizona and one of the largest State Games in the United States, encompassing 100 events that annually attract 30,000 individuals and involving 1,000 active volunteers.
The Games are a prototypical community service that motivates people to leave their television sets and computers to take part in physical activity on a regular basis. No matter what your athletic ability may be, we know that individuals engaging in some level of physical activity improves not only their physical condition, but their social and interpersonal skills as well.
Physical exercise reduces the intensity of many illnesses and can even reduce the risk of getting sick, which in turn, can cut down or eliminate the prospect of having to take on heavy medical expenses. Through our educational commentaries, we constantly harp on the merits of physical fitness, proper nutrition and a healthy and positive lifestyle. For young people, in particular, the Games provide a showcase for their talents and aspirations and represent an alternative to drugs, gangs, crime and violence.
It’s easy to be a Giver – and help Grand Canyon State Games. Go to our website ( and click the “Keep the Spirit Alive” panel. You can give as little as five dollars and do it all on-line.
Or click the moving figure in our GCSG logo to learn how you can give while you shop on-line - and shop while you give - under our new GIVECLICKS program. It’s easy to install and is non-intrusive. We never ask for any personal information or passwords. It costs you absolutely nothing to sign up, and you will be able to shop on-line with more than 2,000 participating retailers. That’s a win-win for everybody!
As we come to the end of 2008, let me extend my best wishes to one and all as we look forward to a healthy and more positive New Year.