You don’t have to be an All-American athlete to stay in shape. The key is staying active. Just doing common, everyday tasks can burn off those calories. I’m sure you’ve been told to take the stairs rather than the elevator. Park a little farther away when you are at the mall. Or take the time to return those shopping carts to the designed area rather than leaving them in the middle of the lot (which could also create a safety hazard.)
Do you know you can burn up to 300 calories just by taking a brisk 45-minute walk before you go to work or school. If you wear those five-pound ankle weights, you’ll find it helps to burn more calories and boosts your energy. Here are some other activities that will burn off calories in an hour (for a 150-pound person):
Yard raking – 288
Window cleaning, car washing or gardening – 324
Chopping wood - 432
Moving heavy boxes (clean out that garage!) - 504
A physician at the Mayo Clinic talks about increasing your NEAT – non-exercise activity thermogenesis – which accounts for much of your movement and therefore caloric expenditure throughout the day. These are activities such as walking to school, pacing while on the phone, cleaning your room or standing while talking to a friend.
Follow some of these routines, and you can use up 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day which can help you lose weight and avoid being obese. So GET ACTIVE!