Strong Finish to 2010
1. Wrestling event draws 100
2. Fifth Grandchild Lyla Joy born on December 15
3. 2nd Essay Contest Mailer went out
4. January 1~ 7 years without missing my daily workout
5. Move back to our offices in Tempe~ compliments of Integrated Real Estate
6. 63 years old and never have missed a day of work
7. Winter Games Entry books finished and mailed
Fast Start to 2011
1. Make Family a priority
2. Pledge to renew Grand Canyon State Games philosophy
3. Decision made to have full knee replacement
4. Be prepared to adjust to our changing world
5. Make recruiting sponsors a personal mission
6. Make my own overall health a prime focus
7. Improve the competition, hospitality, and presentation of all Grand Canyon
State Games 100 events
The best to each and every one of you as we together embark on a prosperous and meaningful 2011