Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I was reminded this week how important relationships really are in life and in business! While filming footage for our TV Show A to Z Games on AZ TV Channel 13 at 5:30p on Sunday evening, July 6th, the plan was to do a piece with Co-hosts Shawna and Dan so as our viewers could get to know them" up close and personal." What fun! We laughed and told stories ,kidded each other and had some serious moments. What fine people...I hope you enjoy the piece.
Having said that ,the show is produced by some other fine people,Chip and Sandy Boynton, from Boynton productions. The program will focus on our strong relationship with the YMCA and their dynamic CEO Greg O'Brien. I think you will like the format.
A heart felt thank you to Jeff and Brian at AZ TV for the relationship we have formed while doing the show! As we remember it was the relationship with Ron that helped bring vision to reality. I think you'll like the show!
You get the picture... its all about" relationships!"

ps Lew-you like?
